Event Details
IMWA EDUMEET – 2018 will be held on 12th May 2018 at SIMS - Salmiya Indian Model School. The event is being conducted by IMWA - Indian Muslim Welfare Association for 7th consecutive year.
The purpose of EDUMEET is to promote educational activities and to create awareness of current affairs to benefit the Indian students. The Educational Meet - 2018 will consist of a Debate competition between all registered CBSE Indian School students of Kuwait. Two students will represent each school, one FOR the motion and the other AGAINST the motion.
There will also be an essay writing competition, which is open to all Indian school students of classes 7th to 12th standard. The topic will be provided on the spot and those who wish to register are requested to kindly do so through the IMWA website www.imwakuwait.org.
IMWA cordially invites all to come and witness the program which will be held between 4.30 PM to 8.00 PM. Prize distribution will be held at the end of the program to the winning Debate team and the winners of the Essay writing competition.
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