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Public Service Announcements Entries

Deputy Minister of Public Works Ismail Al-Failakawi announced that the new airport project will open in August 2022, according to the schedule, indicating that the second package project for the airport has been recommended for award at the lowest prices, and we are awaiting the final approval of the agency reports Al Rai.

The Ministry of Finance has launched the online system for issuance of tax certificates, reports Al- Seyassah daily. This will allow the concerned individuals and institutions to obtain tax certificates through the website of the ministry where they can check the accuracy of their data in order to prevent rejection, deletion of application or being subjected to legal liability in line with Income Tax Decree number 3/1995 amended as law number 2/2008.

The Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) has called on Information Systems Department to give the employer, a two-month grace period from the date of issuance of the work permits to approve the transfer of wage to the local financial institutions automatically and through Asal service to the worker hired from abroad, reports Annahar daily.
Preparedness urged to face possible challenges. The Council of Ministers has urged government departments to maintain alert, caution and serious preparedness to face all possible challenges, and sustain the tempo of cooperation and coordination among themselves to uphold Kuwait’s security and stability, reports Al-Seyassah daily. They were also instructed to provide security, tranquility and all basic needs and requirements of citizens and expatriates.